The Nexus of State Power and Terrorism Financing

The FBME Bank case exposes the complex web of international finance and crime. From Cyprus to Russia, this saga involves allegations of money laundering, terrorist financing, and high-level political maneuvering. Bill Browder's crusade against Russian corruption intertwines with FBME's downfall, highlighting the challenges in combating financial crimes. This story underscores the ongoing struggle between regulatory bodies and those exploiting the global banking system.
A refugee family with one child looking at camera on black background

Understanding the Asylum System in Cyprus: A Guide for Asylum Seekers

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the asylum process in Cyprus, including recent changes to the system. It covers the initial application procedure, requirements for a successful application, and steps for appealing a rejection decision. The guide also explains the process of applying for legal aid and offers advice on self-representation in court. It discusses the Dublin Regulation, safe country lists, and subsequent applications. This resource is valuable for asylum seekers and professionals working in the field of asylum in Cyprus.

Hampton Advisory Group SA ν. Bost AD και άλλων, (2012) 1 Α.Α.Δ. 549

Οι δικαστές δεν θέλησαν να αμφισβητήσουν τη θεμελιωμένη δυνατότητα των διαδίκων, την ελευθερία να επιλέγουν forum επίλυσης των διαφορών τους και προς χάρη του σεβασμού τέτοιων ρητρών επιλέχθηκε ένας συλλογισμός που θα εντόπιζε την κύρια παροχή της σύμβασης.

Slowakische Republik v. Achmea BV, C-284/16

Όταν Διμερή Συνθήκη μεταξύ Κρατών μελών επικαλύπτει το Ενωσιακό Δίκαιο & η θέση των ρητρών διαιτησίας στην ΕΕ

Alessandro Accorinti v. European Central Bank, T-79/13

H ΕΚΤ δεν φέρει την ευθύνη για οικονομικές απώλειες ιδιωτών από σχέδια αναδιάρθρωσης κρατικών χρεών.