The role & efficiency of Non-Executive Directors in the UK

Discover the crucial role of NED in UK corporate governance. This insightful analysis covers their evolving responsibilities, regulatory challenges, and the lessons learned from major corporate scandals. Gain valuable recommendations for strengthening governance practices and ensuring ethical, transparent operations in today's business landscape.

Exploring the Role Separation of Chairman and CEO in the UK

Exploring dual leadership in corporate governance, this article delves into the essential separation of Chairman and CEO roles. Rooted in history and organizational theories, it highlights the delicate balance needed for effective oversight, aligning managerial and ownership interests while acknowledging associated costs

Why Legal Legion (loyalty) failed?

Founded in 2018 as a legal community, the Legal Legion faced goal ambiguity. Despite sporadic projects, communication issues, and dissolution in 2023, it provided valuable experience and exposed non-profit challenges.

Balancing Corporate Governance: Exploring the Divergence of Agency and Stakeholder Theory

Both theories advocate for the limitation of shareholder power. Agency theory highlights the importance of general meetings and solutions to the agency problem, while stakeholder theory emphasizes checks and balances. Ultimately, these theories provide valuable insights into achieving a delicate balance between individual rights and the common good in contemporary corporate governance.

Χίλια Corallia και ένας Tayyip

Η Κυβέρνηση ως Επιχειρηματίας διαθέτει ένα πλεονεκτήματα, το οποίο εκ των πραγμάτων κανένας ιδιώτης επιχειρηματίας δεν διαθέτει.

Κριτική θεώρηση των ανοιχτών νηολογίων

Ο τρόπος που η πολιτική βούληση διαστρωματώνεται και επηρεάζει την ναυτιλιακή επιχειρηματικότητα αλλά και τις διεθνείς νομοθετικές πρωτοβουλίες.

Η υφή της Διεθνούς Φορολογίας

Οι αστοχίες και οι αδυναμίες του Διεθνούς Φορολογικού Δικαίου, δηλαδή τα ολοένα και πιο συχνά εμφανιζόμενα επιχειρηματικά περιστατικά τα οποία αδυνατεί το Διεθνές Φορολογικό Δίκαιο να υπάξει και να ρυθμίσει ορθά και ηθικά έχουν κάποια αίτια.

Προτάσεις Επανασχεδιασμού Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων των Ιδρυμάτων Τριτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης της Ελλάδας

This study begins by the examining the benefits of the adoption of internet based procedure and operation in the Institutions of Higher Education and how the tools of the Web 2.0 are now generating factors of safeguarding the broader academic knowledge. From this ideal situation regarding the digital aspect of each institution and after the current problems have been exposed for the sake of juxtaposition and with the existing weakness, the necessary ways, tools and options of management (Management Information System) are discussed. In the end certain specific technical details and case studies are included as a prelude to expected development.