Από την Αντιδικία στη Συναίνεση: Το Νέο Τοπίο του Διαζυγίου στην Κύπρο

Το παρόν άρθρο εξετάζει την πρόσφατη εισαγωγή του συναινετικού διαζυγίου στην Κύπρο, μια σημαντική εξέλιξη στο οικογενειακό δίκαιο που επιτρέπει στα ζευγάρια να συμφωνήσουν αμοιβαία για τη λύση του γάμου τους. Θεσπισμένο το Δεκέμβριο του 2022, αυτό το νέο νομικό πλαίσιο απλοποιεί τη διαδικασία του διαζυγίου, μειώνοντας πιθανώς το συναισθηματικό και οικονομικό κόστος. Το άρθρο αναλύει τα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά του συναινετικού διαζυγίου, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της μειωμένης περιόδου αναμονής και της έμφασης στην ευημερία των παιδιών. Επιπλέον, εξετάζει τις επιπτώσεις για τους νομικούς επαγγελματίες και τον ευρύτερο αντίκτυπο στην εναρμόνιση της Κύπρου με τις διεθνείς τάσεις του οικογενειακού δικαίου.

The Nexus of State Power and Terrorism Financing

The FBME Bank case exposes the complex web of international finance and crime. From Cyprus to Russia, this saga involves allegations of money laundering, terrorist financing, and high-level political maneuvering. Bill Browder's crusade against Russian corruption intertwines with FBME's downfall, highlighting the challenges in combating financial crimes. This story underscores the ongoing struggle between regulatory bodies and those exploiting the global banking system.

The role & efficiency of Non-Executive Directors in the UK

Discover the crucial role of NED in UK corporate governance. This insightful analysis covers their evolving responsibilities, regulatory challenges, and the lessons learned from major corporate scandals. Gain valuable recommendations for strengthening governance practices and ensuring ethical, transparent operations in today's business landscape.

Judicial Review in the UK: Unraveling the Threads of Parliamentary Sovereignty and Democratic Accountability

This white paper examines the intricate balance between parliamentary sovereignty and democratic accountability through the lens of judicial review in the UK. It delves into the historical context, the scope of judicial review, and its impact on democratic governance, providing critical insights into how judicial review serves as a check on administrative powers and legislative processes.

Exploring the Role Separation of Chairman and CEO in the UK

Exploring dual leadership in corporate governance, this article delves into the essential separation of Chairman and CEO roles. Rooted in history and organizational theories, it highlights the delicate balance needed for effective oversight, aligning managerial and ownership interests while acknowledging associated costs

Balancing Corporate Governance: Exploring the Divergence of Agency and Stakeholder Theory

Both theories advocate for the limitation of shareholder power. Agency theory highlights the importance of general meetings and solutions to the agency problem, while stakeholder theory emphasizes checks and balances. Ultimately, these theories provide valuable insights into achieving a delicate balance between individual rights and the common good in contemporary corporate governance.
Refugee family with one child looking at camera on black background

Understanding the Asylum System in Cyprus: A Guide for Asylum Seekers

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the asylum process in Cyprus, including recent changes to the system. It covers the initial application procedure, requirements for a successful application, and steps for appealing a rejection decision. The guide also explains the process of applying for legal aid and offers advice on self-representation in court. It discusses the Dublin Regulation, safe country lists, and subsequent applications. This resource is valuable for asylum seekers and professionals working in the field of asylum in Cyprus.

EU couldn’t tame the …snail

Let’s suppose the UK’s decision to exit the European Union somehow reflected the belief that the parliamentary sovereignty was curtailed by the supremacy of EU law. Then why there isn’t a complaint about the curtailed by the Common Law?